Frequently Asked Questions

Where is a specific office or department located?

Ground Floor

1st Floor

2nd Floor

3rd Floor

Prosecuting Attorney - Suite G-69 County Clerk - Suite 102 Circuit Clerk - Suite 201 Community Service - Suite 313
Phelps/Maries Co. Health Dept - Suite G29 Assessor - Suite 126 Courtrooms Juvenile Office - Suite 310
University of Missouri Extension - Suite G08 Collector - Suite 129 Senior Companions - Suite 308
Recorder - Suite 133 Sky Room - Suite 309
Treasurer - Suite 125
Public Administrator - Suite 122
Multi-Purpose Room - Suite 149

Where do I get a passport?

The County Clerk's office

Where do I register to vote?

The County Clerk's office

How do I reserve the multi-purpose room?

Contact the County Clerk's office for room availability and use guidelines

Where do I go for community Service?

The Community Service office. Their hours are:
- Tuesday 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm
- Wednesday 9am - 12 pm
- Thursday 9am - 12pm.

Where do I go for a marriage license?

The Recorder's office

Where do I go for a copy of my divorce?

Civil division of the Circuit Court

Where can I find the ownership of any property in Phelps County?

View WebGIS

Where can I find the assessed value of my house and property?

View WebGIS

Where can I find an aerial photograph of any property in Phelps County?

View WebGIS

Where do I go to see the various taxing districts?

View WebGIS. The Assessor’s office keeps records of the taxing district boundaries, but has no control over the district boundaries or levy amounts.

Where do I go to get a tax waiver or statement of non-assessment for my vehicle?

The Assessor’s office

Where do I get tax paperwork so I can license my vehicle?

Start in the Assessor’s office

Where do I go to have my name added to the personal property list for Phelps County?

The Assessor’s office

Where do I find out what personal property tax is and how it is assessed?

The Assessor’s office

I am in the military. Do I still owe personal property taxes in Missouri?

Yes, if your home of record is still in Missouri.

Where do I find out about real estate assessment or reassessment in Phelps County?

The Assessor’s office

Where do I go to appeal the value of my real estate property?

Start with the Assessor’s office. If not resolved there, the County Clerk’s office can give you information about a formal appeal through the Board of Equalization.

Where do I go to find out what my 911 address is or to have a new one assigned?

The Assessor’s office

Where do I get a Missouri Form 948 filled out for the property tax credit?

The Assessor’s office

Where do I get a certificate of occupancy?

Phelps County does not issue these or base assessments on zoning codes.

How do senior citizens or 100% disabled people get tax relief?

The state of Missouri has a Property Tax Credit. The Missouri Department of Revenue has more information at or see the Assessor’s office